Oliver Queen, better known as the Green Arrow, is a fearless hero who wields his expert archery skills to fight for justice on the streets of Seattle. Born into a wealthy family, Oliver spent his youth as a reckless playboy until a traumatic event stranded him on a remote island. Three years later, he emerged as a transformed man with a renewed purpose and a drive to be something greater. Defying dangerous enemies and uncovering dark family secrets, the Green Arrow relentlessly pursues justice in his city, relying on his trusty arrows to get the job done.
- DC Classics Green Arrow
- Highly detailed
- Highly articulated with up to 22 Points of articulation
- Includes code for digital figure
- 7-inch scale (17.78cm)
- Made of plastic
- Green Arrow action figure
- Bow
- Arrow
- Sheaf of arrows
- Trading card
- Base
- Digital code
Case fresh, however, some package wear may be present.