Experience the ultimate Mobile Suit Gundam experience with the GU-37 Gundam EX from the beloved series "Requiem of Revenge" now brought to life in stunning detail by GUNDAM UNIVERSE. Every aspect, no matter how small, has been meticulously recreated to capture the overwhelming strength and iconic white devil persona from the show. This definitive product embodies the essence of GUNDAM UNIVERSE, from its sheer size and presence to the intricacies of the Gundam's design. Don't miss out on this impressive addition to your collection.
Product Features
- GU-37 Gundam EX from the Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance anime series
- Highly poseable at multiple points of articulation
- Highly detailed
- Approx. 5.9 inches (15cm)
- Made of PVC and ABS
Box Contents
- Gundam EX figure
- Pair of interchangeable arms
- Beam rifle
- Shield
- 2 Beam saber effect parts
- Joint parts for Tamashii Stage
Case fresh; however, some package wear may be present