As an anime inspired homage to Lio Convoy (Beast Wars II), Leonidas boasts a fantastically intricate design and detail indicative of the Perfect Effect name. Standing 9 inches tall (23 centimeters) Perfect Effect's Leonidas is fully transformable, has more than 60 points of articulation, and has tons of accessories.
- Perfect Effect's Leonidas is fantastically sculpted
- Remarkable detail and intricate paint work
- Multiple points of articulation allows for multiple posing options
- Over 60 Points of articulation
- Transformers from robot to mechanical lion and back
- Made of plastic and diecast
- 9 inches tall (23 centimeters)
- Perfect Effect Leonidas
- 2 Katanas
- 1 Laser bow
- 2 Daggers
- 1 Tail whip
- 2 Laser riffles
- 1 Display stand
Case fresh; however, some package wear may be present.